Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Chat prep: Branding 101

Tomorrow (Thursday, June 14th), I'll be hanging out in the Library Marketing Exchange chat room from 12-1pm EST to say hello, talk library marketing, and get to know what you're up to. To get the ball rolling, I'm making the theme of the chat Branding 101. If you have a different topic in mind (or no topic) that's fine, but I figured having a theme would help get the conversation moving.

In my recent branding talk, I distilled some of the lessons I'm learning into a few Branding 101 points, which are:

  1. Know your customers: Understand what makes your customers tick by finding out what's important to them and what they hope to achieve.
  2. Know yourself: Come to grips with who you are as an organization and who you aren't. By doing so, you'll see where you and your patrons meet, and where you may need to make some changes to better accommodate their needs. Remember, you can't be all things to all people, but you can do a better job of being yourself
  3. Find your inspiration: Great brands stand for something big. What gets you up in the morning? How can you get patrons excited too? If you don't care about something, you have nothing to build your brand on.
  4. Find your aspiration: What, ultimately, do you hope to become? Great brands connect their aspirations with those of their patrons. Think beyond today to the possibilities of tomorrow. Develop your vision with patrons and involve them in getting there.
  5. Write it down: Everyone inside and outside of your library should know what you stand for. Communicate it every chance you get.
  6. Live it: Here's where brand-building happens. Some ways you can live your brand include maximizing every point of contact you have with patrons and becoming their advocate in everything you do. Let's talk more tomorrow about how we can practice what we preach!
How can you participate in tomorrow's chat? Very easily! Just go to this address: or the Library Marketing - Thinking Outside the Book homepage (you'll see the chat box in the sidebar) and type away! If you can't make it this time around, leave a message anytime about questions or comments you have, projects you'd like to get feedback on, or other topics you'd like to see addressed in future chats. Your message will be available in the chat room for a while, so don't hesitate to leave a note!

P.S. You don't have to stay in the chat room for the entire hour, of course. Drop in, drop out, stop by in the middle, it's all good! :-D


Anonymous said...

Hey Jill...I've enjoyed your blog and have used it as an example for others just getting started. Keep up the good work. I've also noticed that your blog shows up very well in the blog search engines.

Jill said...

Thanks a lot, Cynthia!

I wish I could say the search engine results were the result of some savvy marketing on my part, but I can't. Just happened.

Thanks so much for reading! I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Could you please send me the transcript as well? I work odd hours and was not able to attend... y email address is . I would much appreciate it!

Jill said...
