Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Well, are you satisfied?

A recent post from Church of the Customer got me thinking about some of the things I'm studying about buyer behavior. The post suggests that companies should aim to get referrals, rather than "complete customer satisfaction." Turns out, satisfaction is quite a sticky widget. One of the best ways to make sure that you're pleasing your customers is to make sure you are directing the right products/services to the right target market. If patrons' experiences fall short of their expectations (or even if they just meet expectations), you could risk losing them. For these reasons, it helps to know what exactly it is that patrons expect from you so that you can be prepared to "wow" them by going above and beyond. (no surprise) has some great articles for helping you to do this (free registration required for all):

Top 6 Tips to Understanding Customer Evangelism
This article offers 6 pointers for helping you to understand what your customers/patrons want to help you go beyond just satisfying them.

What Do You Expect?
The author describes how people come to form expectations (nice if you want an intro to the psychology of this aspect of behavior).

Experiencing Value
Here you can learn which set of values your service appeals to in order to achieve customer/patron loyalty.

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